Before you get started subscribing to the calendars, you must have a specific piece of
software downloaded to your computer. On a Macintosh computer you should use iCal,
and on a Windows machine a program called Sunbird is recommended.
iCal - If you are running OS 10.2.3 or later, you probably already have iCal installed on
your computer. If not and you need to download, go to
You need Mac OS X version 10.2.3 or later to use iCal.
Windows requires third party software to view iCal Calendars.
A popular and free choice is Sunbird. You can find more about Sunbird at
Other third party software products are available for Windows. All you need is a calendar
application that supports the iCalendar standard. Additional options include Microsoft
Works (version 8 or higher), WinDates, EventSherpa, and Mozilla Calendar. The
instructions for adding calendars to these programs is similar, but you will need to check
their manuals for specifics.